American Football Tactics: Why Choose Any and How to Practice?
Despite Newton’s struggles, Belichick isn’t ready to see more of Stidham. Asked Monday on WEEI Radio in Boston if he’d be open to playing both QBs, the coach said he’s not to the point of tweaking the position yet. ”That’s not where we are right now. We’re not there now,” the Pats coach said. Asked if he turned to Stidham on Thursday because he thought it was the team’s best shot to come back, Belichick responded: “Wanted to give him the opportunity to play, so we did,” he said, noting Newton was taking some big hits in the game. While there was speculation during training camp that Stidham and Newton were battling for the starting gig, that was overblown. In the one game Newton missed due to COVID-19, it was Brian Hoyer, not Stidham, who got the start.
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